Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday Update

We met w/the social worker (sw) at 1:30, then all of us met w/Dad at 2. She discussed medication, seeing psychiatrist for follow-up, guns being secured with detective having key to gun safe.

He appeared to be feeling the effects of the increased dosage of new medications, some dizziness, etc. With direct questioning from sw, he replied that he would not hurt anyone, including Mother and Jerry and agreed to all of the above.

The doctor had asked sw call to give him report of meeting. I walked out w/her to sign in Dad’s laundry so she had me talk w/the doctor after she spoke with him. Our primary question was “what is your perception of Dad?” as Dad has led us to believe that the doctor thinks we’re awful for “turning him in” and he would have done what Dad has done, etc. As the week progressed, Dad said the doctor counseled him to go legal route, but that he understood Dad’s anger. (so did we, but it was unwarranted!)

Dr. Chahal said Dad is bipolar, classic manic depressive.

1) Extreme highs or lows, little middle of the road moods (asked if this was Dad’s case, and I said “yes, as I don’t hear from Dad unless he’s elated or mad)

2) Spending money issues (asked if this were the case and I said “we have farm equipment and trucks to prove it”)

3) Master Manipulator (he asked for confirmation and I said “yes”, and he said “give me a for instance” I said, “Mother.” He said, “enough said.”)

Dad should have NEVER taken anti-depressants as when he is in manic mode, it “drives him “up” and the chemical imbalance begins. Then in the depressive state he has to have more anti-depressant. Dr. thinks he has calmed since some meds were eliminated and new regimen began. They dropped the Haldol when he calmed. They are monitoring his blood levels every day, per his nurse.

Dr. said this is hereditary and we are all inclined, and Dad is not to be blamed for this behavior. Can live a normal life if he takes his meds. He may never take his medication to level out, and that is his choice. They will do EVERYTHING to educate him before he leaves the hospital.

Read more about the disorder and

Mother, Barb and I are like limp dishrags, no kidding, but we are relieved there’s a diagnosis and hope. Thank you for praying. We felt strength and were able to speak up when needed. Mother says little but steps up, folks! Please pray for Dad with renewed fervor.



Anita said...

Thank you, thank you for the update. Maybe there will begin to be a little bit of closure in the matter. Compliance is key!

Laura said...

I am thankful that some progress is being made. I am so proud of the way you all have been such advocates for Papa. Love y'all!
