Thursday, August 20, 2009

Breaking News!!

I spoke with Mom, Mama, and Aunt Linda a bit ago. There seems to be a bit of breaking news in the current situation. They learned an hour and a half before I spoke with them that the hospital plans to discharge Papa in the morning.

There are some major mixed reactions to this news. On one hand, I feel sure that they feel some sense of relief that they are not going to have to make the journey to Toledo back and forth daily! On the other hand, there is some anxiety and fear mixed in with not knowing what to expect out of him once he's home. I think it's a huge understatement to say that things have changed at home in his absence. The measures that were required to be taken to make sure the house was safe of weapons and unused medications was like combing a haystack looking for a flea. (I think a needle would be a little easier to find than a flea, personally.) That's how they felt about their task at hand while he was hospitalized, and the last I checked, I'm not sure they really think they got it all covered.

I haven't spoken to her myself about the matter, but I have a "gut feeling" that Mama is more than a little uncertain as to what to expect from him upon his return. She knows that it will be just a few days that the girls will get to pack their things and head home and she gets to stay and wait to see what happens. Maybe by then he will be so happy on his medications that it won't matter what they did while he was away. Right now, that's the best they could hope for, I do believe.

This is a matter that definitely has our undivided attention and we must pray that God turns this situation around for the better.

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