Monday, August 17, 2009

Just for Starters

As we all know, the last few weeks have been the most trying that the Prince family has known in quite some time. According to Mom, this is definitely the most stressful event she's ever experienced in her lifetime. I have a feeling that Aunt Linda and Uncle Jerry would probably have to agree. Then there's Mama who is having to take all the changes in and the fact that action had to be taken. These types of events and/or changes are not easy at all on someone her age, to say the least. Uncle Jerry, Mark, Amy, Laura, and myself have felt extremely helpless in being any support because of our absence. Then there's Uncle Eddie and my dad who really have felt speechless and helpless as well. They are not exactly sure what role they should fall into at such a time. Then there's Uncle Jerry's devastation through it all and the torment he and his family have experienced. I guess it would be safe to say that this is an event that none of us are interested in ever repeating....that is, if it ever ends!!

Personally, I'm past ready for this emotional roller coaster to end. And I'm sure that Mom, Mama, Uncle Jerry, and Aunt Linda want it a whole lot worse than me.

Now, that I have the preface said, I would like to take a moment to let you know what my ambitions for this particular website are. I got the idea from my brother-in-law who is an excellent teacher (public school and Sunday school) and always has bright ideas. He has a blog that he keeps for his Sunday school students (of which there are approx 15 between the ages of 18 and 25). They all are faithful followers of his blog to keep in touch with plans for the week along with encouragement. The transformation in the class with the form of unity that has been established has been amazing. Therefore, I figured we could have something similar where each of the family members could get on and leave their words of encouragement as they catch up on the news of the day. I will hopefully establish a general roundup of details that have occurred and then as changes happen, post them. I have attempted to stay informed, probably too much, but at least they couldn't say I haven't tried to be supportive.

At the end of every post, you will have the option to post a comment and if you would like to write a letter or submit a post of your own, all you have to do is email whatever you want posted and I'll put it on. I have a setting for this particular blog that will only allow comments to posts be added if I agree to put them on there. I decided to fix that so that no outside posts from unknowns could come out of the blue. It is for all of our benefit. I wouldn't want anything hurtful posted. I ask that you please post a comment if you feel inclined. I want this to be as positive of a blog as possible. You will probably never know how much a word of encouragement or just the mere presence of your support will be to Mom, Aunt Linda, and Uncle Jerry.....and to Mama for that matter if they tell her what it says, as I kinda doubt she will read it. I will attempt to update daily until the dust kinda settles.

If you are interested in continuing after that, I would be thrilled to keep going for the contact. This will be our family blog. I think that chaos kinda describes it pretty well, don't you think? LOL!! That's the reason I named it "Our Chaotic Lives." I'll be happy to post recent pictures of your families. Actually that would be great if you could send them to me so everyone could be up to speed on the happenings.

I love to blog and I love to hear from family, so I would love to make this a big happening thing for us. I'm open for for comfort food, etc.....LOL!!

Right now, some Doritos and butter cheese are sounding pretty comforting...huh, Amy and Laura???

On a last note, I would like to express some special thanks to Uncle Roy and Ginger. Your trip to the hospital to support the 3 stooges was extremely appreciated by us. We have felt terrible that we couldn't have our bodies in Ohio although our minds dwell there. The fact that you went just to sit with them meant more than words can say. Please accept a HUGE THANK YOU from us!

To Uncle Roy, Aunt Mit, and Uncle Randy, thank you for the strength you are to Mama.


Anonymous said...

I'm in! Thanks for the blog updates...sames me money on a plane ticket to the farm!!

Butter Cheese and Doritos don't event begin to comfort me - don't get me wrong - I'm for it just need LOTS more of it than most!! LOL!

I'll be online checking up and posting thoughts. Love to all


Anita said...

Hey there Mark. It's wonderful to hear from you. Yeah, it would really take a lot of it to comfort me too!! LOL!!

Larry said...

Nice going on the blog Anita...I'm glad I taught you all I know! I'll be waiting with bated breath for more. We have Prayer Meeting tonight and will be praying about this issue. Love you all...
Larry D

Laura said...

Hello to all. Mama, Aunt Linda & Mom, you have been in my thoughts and prayers all day, all week for that matter. I wish I could reach my short stubby arms to Ohio and wrap all three of you up...Zach sends a message "I'm doing so good in school"... and that he loves you all a '5' on a scale of '5'. We love you all.
- The Longs