Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Note From Barb

Hey, everybody. It's good to be home - even though my thoughts are continually on the Ohio situation. This whole event seems like a bad dream, doesn't it?

I'm just now getting access to my computer again, so I'll try to catch you up on the past few days. We brought Dad home Friday. Didn't get home until about 7 - Dad needed his medication for that night. We thought they were going to provide 2 weeks worth but that didn't happen. He took his medication well the whole week-end. (Depakote 2000 mg is 4 horse pills every night!)

Near panic attack after our arrival back at the house Friday. I was in the kitchen fixing supper and I saw Dad go to the TV cabinet and look on top behind some picture frames. Of course, in my "Curious Barb" state of mind, I waited until he went downstairs then went to check it out. I moved the frames aside and much to my HORROR, I saw 2 Smith and Wesson 357 pistols up there. I nearly died. I knew I couldn't get them - I was afraid he would hurt me, honestly! I didn't mention them - but the next day while Nic was there, I casually said, "Oh, yeah, Nic, there are 2 more revolvers on top of the TV that need to be secured. We overlooked them." He said, "Oh, OK - got up and got them, then unloaded them." We later secured them in the gun safe. To be honest, I really think Dad has guns that he has access to - that we were unable to locate. But he's going to have a gun . . . even if he has to go buy more. And the thing is, he has the money to go do it. We just did our part by securing what guns we could find. You kids would have died laughing at Linda and me. Had no clue how to unload those automatics - so all the guns are secured . . . fully loaded. (Except for the ones Nic put away!)

My eyes are screaming for sleep. I averaged about 3 hours/night since Dad came home. All 3 of us slept in the living room. They in their recliners; I had the couch. Every time Dad's chair squeaked, I knew it. The first 2 nights he was awake til after 2:30 am. Saturday night was a scream! He had a flashlight trying to find a gun that had been hidden way back beside the TV. I had found it Friday morning and secured it in the safe. Mother also found one while she was dusting. He was digging everywhere trying to find those guns. I wanted to just howl with laughter!!!

His appointment with the therapist went fine, I guess. Same one that he had seen when initially taken to Firelands. He'll see the Psychiatrist 9/2 @ 3:15 and a Psych nurse @ 3:45. After that he will be scheduled for appointment with a different therapist. Mother will be attending the sessions with Dad when seeing the therapist. Will only see the doctor if he requests to talk to her.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers for Abby. They were here this evening when I got in. She stays on the run. I'll have her the next few days . . . pray for ME! I'll be a nervous wreck trying to keep her from finishing her head cracking job!!

Thanks for supporting sister (Joan) and me while we were in Ohio. Couldn't have survived as well as we did without your faithful support. That's a 2-week vacation I don't want to repeat anytime soon!!! The Lord was our ultimate strength. No doubt in my mind about that. It's been a very emotional experience. Still having my "moments" - if you know what I mean. I had to sacrifice several meals/snacks and potty stops cause my face was a mess from crying - but I made it home safe and sound.

Sorry this has been so long - had to catch up. Love you all more than you'll ever know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you sweet sis. I cried from home to Cincinnati and got stares galore about "the red nose." Kept sunglasses on! If anyone had bothered to ask if I was OK, would have fallen on them in a heap, I reckon!

Would I do it again, you ask? You bet! this is mental illness or it's meanness and both need help.

Joan aka Linda