Monday, August 17, 2009

"It Ain't Over"

On July 1st, Laura had a hysterectomy and I got the opportunity to stay with her at the hospital that night. As most of you know, you get woke up all ungodly hours of the night in the hospital. So it was around 5 a.m. after we had a nurse visit and I just COULD NOT go back to sleep. Laura and her little sedated self dropped right on back off to sleep and there I sat wide eyed in the middle of the dark. At that time, I had a few moments of meditation and lay there silently praying for some issues that were important to me and heavy on my mind. After those moments were over, I decided I would try to go back to sleep, to no avail. I began flipping through the channels and ran across a station playing music videos. I got in on the last part of this video and had it turned so low I could barely hear it. All I heard, really, was the last few sentences of the song and I was captivated by it. I scrambled up to grab a piece of paper to write down the name of the song and the singer so I could find it online as soon as we got back home. It just got stuck in my head. I couldn't wait to get home.

Within minutes of arriving home, I went back to the computer room at Mom's house and hurriedly typed in the info into youtube that I had written down and I sat down to see what parts of the song I missed.

After I watched it, I called Don, my brother-in-law, and Mom in to watch it with me. We were all just kinda taken with it. It actually hit the spot in a moment where we needed it. All of us.

I returned home from that trip and a little over a week after I left is when the events that led up to what is going on now were getting good and started. I called Mom late one night and she sounded sick / congested. I asked her what was wrong and she told me she had been sitting at her computer listening to this song. Multiple times. She was attempting to draw some strength and inspiration from it. Her "sound of being sick" was coming from the fact that she was crying.

That is the reason I am posting this video. It's for her, but I'm hoping the rest of you find some strength in it. Thankfully the final chapter has not been written. I firmly believe "It's Not Over." It's the not being able to look above the trees to see what lies beyond that is so frightening and unnerving. That's where faith comes in to the picture. Thankfully my faith is placed in a hand that's much bigger and much more capable than my own. I can't imagine the hopelessness that might overtake me if that were not the case.


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