Monday, August 17, 2009

The Request

I have spoken to my mom and Aunt Linda about this blog. I did that to have their approval before I posted the first post. They expressed the appreciation for the show of support through phone calls. At the present, they are currently working on securing "stuff" that could pose a threat, therefore, they are suggesting that Aunt Linda post an update as she can or through emails to me to post to say how things are so that they aren't trying to juggle tasks that have to be done with giving details of the happenings multiple times a day....not that they mind. This will just make it easier for them to get what needs to be accomplished, done before Papa comes back home. I think that overwhelmed would be a good word to describe their feelings right now. I'm not asking you to quit calling, I'm just asking that you get the majority of details from the blog and allow the phone calls to be for support measures.

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