Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm Changing Professions

Aunt Linda and I have decided we are going to change professions. We're going to start a lawn mowing business. Why? I was hoping you'd ask! Here's why......

Researchers have discovered that a chemical released by a mown lawn makes people feel happy and relaxed, and could prevent mental decline in old age.

Now scientists say they have developed a perfume which 'smells like a freshly-cut lawn' which relieves stress and help boost memory.

After seven years of research, Australian scientists say 'eau de mow' works directly on the brain, in particular the emotional and memory parts.

Dr Nick Lavidis, a neuroscientist at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, came up with the idea for the perfume, named Serenascent, after going on a forest trek in the US twenty years ago.

'Three days in Yosemite National Park felt like a three-month holiday,' he said.

'I didn't realize at the time that it was the actual combination of feel-good chemicals released by the pine trees, the lush vegetation and the cut grass that made me feel so relaxed.

'Years later my neighbor commented on the wonderful smell of cut grass after I had mowed the lawn and it all started to click into place.'

Dr Lavidis said the aroma worked on the emotional and memory parts of the brain known as the amygdala and the hippocampus.

'These two areas are responsible for the flight or fight response and the endocrine system, which controls the releasing of stress hormones like corticosteroids. The new spray appears to regulate these areas.

'There are two types of stress. The first is when you are about to perform something or you know you are going to have to do something well. That's acute stress and can be a good form of stress.

'Bad stress is chronic stress and is associated with an increase in blood pressure, forgetfulness and a weakening of the immune system.'

Chronic stress has been shown to damage the hippocampus by reducing the number of connections between communicating cells, leading to memory loss.

Students working on the Australian project found that animals exposed to Serenascent – which combines three chemicals released when green leaves are cut – escaped damage to the hippocampus.

The scent is said to have the 'pleasant aroma of a freshly-cut lawn or a walk through a lush forest'.

It will go into production next month and sell for around £4 a bottle.

Dr Lavidis, who worked with pharmacologist Professor Rosemary Einstein, said: 'It can be used as a room spray or a personal spray on bed linen, a handkerchief or clothing. Down the track we will look at incorporating the feel good chemicals into other products.'


Barb said...

Well, I guess I missed a good opportunity today when Larry cut the grass. I could have got on the little cart that can be attached to the mower and enjoyed the scent. God knows my hippocampus needs something!

Hippo . . . speaking of hippo . . . I sure wish they would come up with a quick fix for losing weight. This excess weight is just about to get the best of me. The inability/lack of will power to lose is the kicker. Any ideas? Maybe we could set up a support system here.

Maybe we need a "campus" for the hippo! It's late and I'm tired. 5th Sunday fellowship/dinner Sunday. Need ideas for what to take in the food line. Any suggestions? I'm open to them.

Linda said...

I'm in on the weight loss plan. Perhaps Larry can supervise, as he's done "super" losing weight and keeping it off.

I can't wait till Ed mows the lawn as my hippocampus is growing exponentially.