Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday's Update

I know it's awfully late, but I didn't want today to pass without a little note of some kind. The posts have been pretty slim pickings the last few days because, to be frankly honest, I've had such a severe headache from the flu, I couldn't gather my thoughts well enough to write something sensible. Thankfully, that's much better.

As for the Ohio side of things, there's really not much new. Maybe the fact that there is a follow up appointment in the morning with a therapist is a bit of encouragement. Papa's time at home has been pretty peaceful thus far. Mom plans to take Papa to his appointment in the morning, then head home.........Alas!! I know she's a happy camper 'bout that.

That's about all I know for now. I'll post more hopefully tomorrow night. I'm still checking my email frequently (very frequently, actually) to see who's sent me a bit of inspiration to post.

Later gators!

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